Fearless Faith Clothing

Fearless Faith Clothing is a company that strongly believes in the Word of God , These items are made with the Love for Jesus and our goal in life is to make Heaven Crowded and this is a great way to spread the gospel of our lord and savior. 🤍


Created with a Purpose.

Little Blessings

Little Blessings

These are basic Gerber organic onesies!  

  • Owner Of Fearless Faith

    Hey There Welcome to Fearless Faith I am forever thankful you decided to stop by and shop , everything is made with true love for Jesus, I decided to make a Christian Clothing line to Spread the word of God! Fearless Faith is such a strong word to live by in this society!  I’m forever grateful for your purchase.
    Love ~Jaden Zois

  • South County Local

    We are a small town shop located in SoCo , Our town is raised on Faith Friends & Family!

  • Fearless Faith Photographer

    This is Our Amazing Photographer Sandy Timmins that captures Our beautiful models wearing Fearless Faith clothing , She has a heart of Gold and she has a great eye in Photography. You can find her on Facebook and instagram @iBelievephotography.

  • Our Logo

  • Make Heaven Crowded

    The great words to live by is to Always remember" I can do all things through Christ with Strengthens me" - Phillipians 4-13